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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 2

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 1

When it comes to Google Business Profiles and Google’s algorithm your business’ visibility may depend on how good your business’ profile is. We further explain how to optimize your profile to not only comply with the practices demanded by the almighty Google Search algorithm but also provide searchers with the exact information they need. 

Four Tips For Maintaining Your SEO After Relocating Your MSP

Four Tips For Maintaining Your SEO After Relocating Your MSP

Relocating your business is stressful enough; the last thing you want is to discover you can no longer find yourself on Google after the move. If you can’t find yourself, neither can your clients. Here are three things you can do to ensure leads can find you online after the move.

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 5

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 5

If you’ve made it this far into our series, good for you, you’re on your way to finishing mastering your Google Business Profile.  For the last segment of our series, let’s continue our discussion on Google Business profiles and how to really make your profile yours, and how to use it for engagement from your audience!

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How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 4

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 4

If you’ve been following our series, you're aware we’ve been exploring Google Business profiles and the ways you can best optimize your profile to suit your business’ needs. Now, we are going to explain how to get started with claiming your business’ profile.

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How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 3

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 3

Your business’ online web presence is directly related to how extensive your SEO strategy is. As you by now know, a good way to improve and manage your SEO is your business’ Google Business profile.

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Part 1

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile

When it comes to your business’ visibility online, your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy plays an absolutely critical role. While SEO is influenced by a lot of different factors, we wanted to focus on one way you can boost it: your Google Business profile.

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MSP Marketing's Frequently Asked Questions About SEO

Top Fourteen SEO Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to rank your MSP Website higher, but not sure where to start? Here are fourteen frequently asked questions that should better help you understand what SEO is and how it can help your business attract traffic to your website, increase your rank, and ultimately generate leads.

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Don’t Be Afraid of the 404

Don’t Be Afraid of the 404

Despite reports to the contrary, 404 errors do not directly hurt your SEO and marketing practices. They can, however, indirectly cause issues. We’re going to examine how, but rest assured Google doesn’t look at a 404 error and take points from your site as if it was a punishment.

5 Steps to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

5 Steps to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

If you’ve ever received an SEO audit or looked at your analytics, a portion should measure your bounce rate. Your bounce rate can reflect engagement, and if it is too high, it may mean that your content is not resonating with your audience and they are leaving your website before they have a chance to convert. Here are five things you can do to reduce your bounce rate.

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How to Improve Your SEO Using Video Content

How to Improve Your SEO Using Video Content

We’ve spoken at length about the benefits of healthy search optimization practices on your website. This goes for everything—your web copy, your images, and believe it or not, your videos. Let’s review how you can help optimize the video content on your website so that it draws the attention of the search engines.

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Why Content is King, and What This Means for MSP Marketing

Why Content is King, and What This Means for MSP Marketers

The phrase “content is king” originally stems from an essay by the same name, written by Bill Gates and published on the Microsoft website back in January of 1996. In this essay, Gates described his prediction of the future of the Internet as a marketplace for content. 

Don’t Panic If You Receive a Coverage Issue Email From Google

Don’t Panic If You Receive a Coverage Issue Email From Google

As an SEO tool, Google’s Search Console provides a variety of services designed to tell you how searchers interact with your website. The Search Console also gives you some insight on how the Google search engine sees your website. Sometimes, Google Search Console will email you and let you know if something is amiss. 

Keywords are a Big Part of a Good SEO Strategy

Keywords are a Big Part of a Good SEO Strategy

One thing that most search engine optimization experts agree on is that including keywords in your web content is a good strategy. Think of keywords as the most pure version of your website’s content… if you wanted to sum up this content in just a word or a phrase, what would that phrase be? Let’s go into how you can determine what your keywords should be, and how you can use them to your advantage.

MSPs can Understand Their Traffic Better With Behavior Flow and More

MSPs can Understand Their Traffic Better With Behavior Flow and More

Are you using your Google Analytics to its full potential for your digital marketing campaign? It’s time to use your analytics to do more than see how many people clicked on your website. Here are three ways to gain more insight from your Google Analytics account.

How to Minimize Bounce Rate on Blog Pages

How to Minimize Bounce Rate on Blog Pages

Bouncing is, in most cases, a fun activity. From bouncy balls, to trampolines, to bungee jumping, there are countless ways that bouncing can be seen as a good thing. When it comes to your website, however, bouncing is widely considered the last thing you want your visitors to do. However, this can often be an oversimplification that hides the real problem.

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How Can I Use SEO to Help My MSP Website Rank Better?

How Can I Use SEO to Help My MSP Website Rank Better?
Is your MSP website not generating as many leads as you hoped? Chances are your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is focused on what keywords are and not what they do. Keywords are a starting point for SEO, not the end and certainly not the only factor in making SEO work for your MSP. Here are four tips to help you better understand how to use SEO as part of your MSP Marketing Plan.

7 Ways to Get Your MSP to Rank for Multiple Locations

7 Ways to Get Your MSP to Rank for Multiple Locations

You’re a successful Managed Service Provider serving multiple cities, or even multiple states... yet when you do a Google search for IT companies in those locations, your business doesn’t come up as a result. Instead, the results are populated with local businesses which feature the location in their titles or meta-descriptions.

Tips on Creating Linkbait for Your MSP

Tips on Creating Linkbait for Your MSP

We recently wrote about how useful linkbait can be to your MSP marketing efforts. This got us thinking… why not give you some actionable efforts to help you?

Use Your Blog For Website Success

Use Your Blog For Website Success

In previous newsletters, we've talked about how the use of social networking and microblogging sites like Facebook and Twitter as a resource to drive traffic to your organization's website is quickly becoming the most affordable marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. Once they get to the site, however, many businesses lack the resources that will keep visitors there. One way to improve the amount of useful information on your site is by using a blogging component.

Debunking the SEO Myths of Syndicated Content for MSPs

Debunking the SEO Myths of Syndicated Content for MSPs

I keep running into articles that have some pretty big inaccuracies about syndicated content and SEO that I find troublesome. There is some confusion that syndicated content is never worthy of respect or consideration. This seems especially true when it is compared to custom content. However, this is not always the case, and so there are a few points that need to be cleared up. Considering that my company has provided both syndicated and custom marketing content to MSP's since 2009, I am uniquely positioned to debunk some of the Myths you may have read about.