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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

The Internet Can Be a Great Source of B2B Leads

The Internet Can Be a Great Source of B2B Leads

Leads are an invaluable asset for any business, so generating the high-quality, engaged ones your organization needs to attract is essential. There are numerous ways to do so online, so let’s discuss some methods for encouraging these leads. 

How to Use Your Blog to Its Fullest Potential

How to Use Your Blog to Its Fullest Potential

We often say that a business’ website should serve as the centralized hub for all of its marketing efforts. It is where you should direct your prospects and contacts to really hammer home your value proposition and push them to convert. Your blog can (and should!) play a role in all this.

Let’s review some practices that will help you optimize your blog and make it as beneficial as possible.

Why MSPs Need Video Marketing


Video marketing has already proven to be a popular and effective outlet for organizations in many industries. The numbers explain why. On average, a website visitor will spend 88% more time on a website with video than one one that doesn’t. That’s 88% more time to get your message across.

What Can a JoomConnect Form Do?

What Can a JoomConnect Form Do?

Our JoomConnect integrations help to automate a lot of critical processes for managed service providers to make their sales, service and marketing efforts standardized and simplified. We wanted to take a few moments to dive into some of the capabilities that a form on your website’s landing pages can offer in conjunction with ConnectWise Manage and Autotask.

Create the Perfect Landing Page to Market Your MSP

Create the Perfect Landing Page to Market Your MSP

The landing page is the apex of your marketing funnel. It’s where you want everyone to end up and (hopefully) convert. As you might imagine, this makes the quality of any given landing page a critical consideration and something that needs to be prioritized on your website. 

Let’s go over the process of building up your landing page so that it is as effective as possible in achieving your goal.

Don’t Be Afraid of the 404

Don’t Be Afraid of the 404

Despite reports to the contrary, 404 errors do not directly hurt your SEO and marketing practices. They can, however, indirectly cause issues. We’re going to examine how, but rest assured Google doesn’t look at a 404 error and take points from your site as if it was a punishment.

Is Your Website the Marketing Tool It Should Be?

Why Your Website is Your Most Important Marketing Tool

When did you last take a good, hard look at your business’ website, and overall web presence? When did you last check to see whether or not your business’ website was doing a good job of representing your business? 

Using Web Funnels for MSP Marketing

Using Web Funnels for MSP Marketing

You've got a shiny new website and it's time to start turning those visitors into leads, and then turn your leads into prospects.  There are a lot of different paths you can take to do this, but first you'll need a basic understanding of the web marketing funnel.On your website, you need to have an offer.  Frankly, you should have a few offers to cater towards the different ends of the marketing funnel. 

You Need to be Marketing Your MSP’s Website

You Need to be Marketing Your MSP’s Website

It won’t matter that your MSP’s website is a top-of-the-line, high-end, fully-featured masterpiece if you do not market it. All the time and resources you’ve spent making that masterpiece will have been wasted because no one will be able to find and see it. However, this is easily fixed with some marketing.

Is “www” Necessary in Your MSP Marketing URLs?

Is “www” Necessary in Your Marketing URLs?

URL—or uniform resource locator—is the technical term for the web address used to navigate to a website. Historically, the URL has always begun with “www,” to signify the “world wide web”... but is it really necessary to include this information on your marketing materials?

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Don’t Panic If You Receive a Coverage Issue Email From Google

Don’t Panic If You Receive a Coverage Issue Email From Google

As an SEO tool, Google’s Search Console provides a variety of services designed to tell you how searchers interact with your website. The Search Console also gives you some insight on how the Google search engine sees your website. Sometimes, Google Search Console will email you and let you know if something is amiss. 

Shady Copyright Phishing Attack is Targeting Web Forms

Shady Copyright Phishing Attack is Targeting Web Forms

As you probably know, the most effective phishing attacks tend to push a sense of urgency on the user. Hurry, don’t think, just click!

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Keywords are a Big Part of a Good SEO Strategy

Keywords are a Big Part of a Good SEO Strategy

One thing that most search engine optimization experts agree on is that including keywords in your web content is a good strategy. Think of keywords as the most pure version of your website’s content… if you wanted to sum up this content in just a word or a phrase, what would that phrase be? Let’s go into how you can determine what your keywords should be, and how you can use them to your advantage.

Seven Critical Features That Your MSP Website MUST Have

Seven Critical Features That Your MSP Website MUST Have

A website is a key component to any business’ marketing these days. For MSPs, there are a lot of options out there for pre-built or templated websites. This includes our Ultimate MSP Website, which comes with over 100 pages of content to choose from, several different designs, and a ton of features. In addition, we can also build custom websites. Let’s explore the differences.

Use Your Blog For Website Success

Use Your Blog For Website Success

In previous newsletters, we've talked about how the use of social networking and microblogging sites like Facebook and Twitter as a resource to drive traffic to your organization's website is quickly becoming the most affordable marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. Once they get to the site, however, many businesses lack the resources that will keep visitors there. One way to improve the amount of useful information on your site is by using a blogging component.

The Secret Sauce of SEO

The Secret Sauce of SEO

What made online marketing a boon for businesses was the capacity to provide nearly real-time, focused search engine optimization (SEO) results. SEO can provide a wealth of information about user engagement, which - combined with this ability to acquire and analyze data quickly - can turn marketing and promotion on its ear.

A Friendly Reminder About Your Website and Google

A Friendly Reminder About Your Website and Google

You may have heard this joke before: where should you hide something that you don’t want people to find? The punchline that goes with it: you hide them on the second page of Google.

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO Part 1: Understanding the Difference

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO Part 1: Understanding the Difference

When it comes to marketing your MSP, there’s good SEO, and there’s bad SEO. Knowing the difference determines whether your search engine optimization strategy sets your company up for long-term ranking growth...or failure.

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO Part 2: Black Hat Tactics

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO Part 2: Black Hat Tactics

There are quite a bit of shady SEO practices that should be avoided at all costs if you want to make sure that you are obeying search engine guidelines which are critical to your success as an MSP. Part 2 of our Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO blog series will go over the tactics you should be avoiding: Black Hat.

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO Part 3: White Hat Practices

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO Part 3: White Hat Practices

The best way to avoid having your website blacklisted (or marked as untrustworthy) by a search engine is to use SEO tactics that are allowed - and often even encouraged - by search engines themselves. Part 3 of our blog series will cover what exactly those tactics are so that you can set up your company for long-term success.
