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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.
Tips and best practices on how to refine your MSP email marketing strategy. 

How Many Marketing Emails Are Too Many?

How Many Marketing Emails Are Too Many?

Email is a hugely effective tool that you can use to boost your business’ marketing efforts, provided you use them correctly. If misused, however, email marketing can be less beneficial (or worse, actively harmful) to your business’ self-promotion.

Let’s determine how to balance between overdoing your email marketing and neglecting your contacts so that you can get the most value out of your efforts.

Cold Email Effectiveness: Tips for Better Results

Cold Email Effectiveness: Tips for Better Results

Email marketing is a supremely beneficial element of a managed service provider’s overall marketing strategy. Once you have permission to reach out to a contact via email, there are quite a few ways to use it to promote your business’ services.

One such way is through cold emails, but are they effective enough to bother with? Is there a more effective way you can send them?

Best Practices for Maintaining your Marketing Lists

Maintaining Your Marketing Lists

Ensuring your lists are well-managed, whether for email or direct mail campaign use, is crucial in optimizing your marketing strategy. Yet, the time-intensive process of both building and maintaining a list makes it a task prone to be neglected. 

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts

Email marketing remains one of the most popular ways businesses can nurture leads, build the necessary impressions to convert prospects, and maintain relationships with current clientele. With this popularity, however, comes plenty of competition for attention in recipients’ inboxes. This means you must do everything you can to make your email marketing as effective as possible.

Let’s review ten things we recommend you prioritize as you work toward this goal.

Grow Your Email Marketing List Using These Tips

Grow Your Email Marketing List Using These Tips

A quality email marketing list is essential for any business in the B2B space. However, compiling a list is a complicated, time consuming process. Because of this, many MSP companies will compile a list all at once, and then continue to use that same list for all of their future marketing needs. This mistake can negatively impact your marketing efforts.

6 Essential Tools to Bring Marketing Back to Your Website

6 Essential Tools to Bring Marketing Back to Your Website

Your website is the roadway for all digital information about your company’s services, products and vision. Leveraging your website to generate and convert leads is pivotal in today's digital landscape. In this article we will discuss six marketing tools that, when utilized adeptly, can guide potential customers directly to your digital doorstep.

14 Terms You Should Know for Email Marketing Success

14 Terms to Know to See Email Marketing Success

Email marketing is widely regarded as a modern business necessity in order to keep your position in your prospects’ and clients’ minds. The world of email marketing is rich with terms and definitions that are important for markets of all levels of experience to understand. 

We’ve created a glossary of these terms for your reference—but if you want more context into any of these terms, you can always reach out to us.

Unlock the Power of Email Marketing: 6 Steps for Success

6 Steps to Effective Email Marketing

Email continues to remain a steadfast tool for B2B marketers. However, like all tools, its effectiveness can dwindle if misused. By following these six best practices, you can harness the full potential of email marketing to your business’ benefit.

Four Campaign Types Every MSP Should Know and Use

Four Campaign Types Every MSP Should Know and Use

When it comes to marketing, a campaign acts as a roadmap to achieve specific goals using certain strategies and tactics. In this article, we’ll explore four prevalent campaign types and when it is best to use them in your marketing endeavors. 

5 Essential Parts to a Quality MSP eNewsletter

5 Essential Parts to a Quality MSP eNewsletter

Digital newsletters are a common marketing tactic used by small, medium, and large businesses alike due to the low cost and ease of putting one together. Because of this, it’s likely that the contacts on your list are already receiving multiple eNewsletters in their inboxes each and every month.

How to Maximize Your MSP’s Email Marketing Strategy

How to Maximize Your MSP’s Email Marketing Strategy

Ever since the first marketing email was sent out over the ARPANET in 1978, the tool has been a cornerstone of many businesses’ marketing strategies, in just about every industry. Managed services are no exception to this rule.

Let’s take a look at some of the strategies and tactics that you should be incorporating into your MSP marketing emails.

6 Tips You Can Easily Apply to Your Email Marketing Efforts

6 Tips You Can Easily Apply to Your Email Marketing Efforts

Email marketing is a hugely useful effort when you’re trying to accomplish any of various business initiatives, and there are plenty of ways that you can make it even more useful. Let’s run through some of our favorite email marketing tips that aren’t challenging at all to implement if you’re committed to enhancing your efforts through this medium.

Should I Be Using Emojis in My MSP Email Subject Lines?

Should I Be Using Emojis in My MSP Email Subject Lines?

At this point, we’re all familiar with the little blobby images we call emojis… and you’ve likely seen them in some marketing materials at some point. Chances are, these marketing materials were in the form of an email. Let’s examine this concept, and review some practices to help you most effectively use emojis in your marketing emails.

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How Apple's Mail Privacy Protection May Impact Your MailChimp and QCP Results


Apple’s release of iOS 15 and macOS Monterey will offer a new feature called Mail Privacy Protection. If an Apple Mail user enables this feature, it will limit the ability for marketing software providers, like Mailchimp, to accurately determine the following:

Spam Sucks


If you were to poll a group of people, we would be willing to bet the majority would say spam is gross - whether you’re talking canned “meat” or what fills that annoying folder in your Inbox. Now, the point of that meat-substance may have originally been a good one. After all, why wouldn’t a precooked meat that you could essentially eat anywhere, that was relatively inexpensive and could last for years, be a good thing? We’ll let you be the judge of that, but what we do know is that there is nothing good about the spam hitting your Inbox, and what’s even worse, is the spam hitting other people’s inboxes from you!

PS: There’s a Really Easy Way to Make Your Marketing Materials More Effective


Let me ask you something… when you happen to receive some correspondence, whether it’s a letter or an email, where do your eyes go first? If you’re like most people, you likely follow something known as the “reading curve.”

Improve Your MSP eNewsletter by Doing These 7 Things

Improve Your MSP eNewsletter by Doing These 7 Things

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 83 percent of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing. What can you do to make sure that your business stands out to your list in their inboxes?

Tips on Sending Out 2 Types of B2B Holiday Emails


Email marketing is a great tool for B2B marketers to take advantage of due to its flexibility and ease of use. Specifically, it can be a great tool to use to stay connected during holidays throughout the year.

Three Ways to Build an Email List Starting Today!

Three Ways to Build an Email List Starting Today!

A common misconception among MSPs is that purchasing a list of leads is as good, or better than, cultivating a mailing list of their own. The fact is that purchased lists are expensive and unreliable, and, when used improperly, may even result in legal issues.

Making Email Marketing Work for Your Business, Part 1


Email marketing isn’t easy. You have to spend the time and effort to make sure you have solid copy, are following all the rules and regulations of email marketing, complying with the rules set forth by companies like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, adding images and video that actually enhance your copy, and making sure you have the perfect subject line to make your audience even open your email. That’s a lot and we get that, but there are ways to track and test what you’re doing to make email marketing work for your company. In this 2 part blog, we’re breaking down 6 items you can test pretty easily in your emails, with some advice to help you along the way.