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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

The Value of a Printed Newsletter Should Not Be Underestimated

The Value of a Printed Newsletter Should Not Be Underestimated

With so much focus on digital marketing nowadays, it can certainly be tempting to focus solely on these efforts… often, to the detriment of other forms, like print. We wanted to take a few moments to address this temptation and talk about how print marketing, specifically in the form of printed newsletters, still has a lot of value to offer businesses… particularly, managed service providers.

5 Essential Parts to a Quality MSP eNewsletter

5 Essential Parts to a Quality MSP eNewsletter

Digital newsletters are a common marketing tactic used by small, medium, and large businesses alike due to the low cost and ease of putting one together. Because of this, it’s likely that the contacts on your list are already receiving multiple eNewsletters in their inboxes each and every month.

How to Design the Perfect MSP Print Newsletter from Scratch (Part 2)

How to Design the Perfect MSP Print Newsletter from Scratch (Part 2)

We recently talked about what you need to do to get started putting together your own printed newsletter from scratch. Now, we’ll go over some extra things you can do to add a personal touch to your newsletter, and what you should be doing before your newsletters get printed and sent out to your mailing list.

Improve Your MSP eNewsletter by Doing These 7 Things

Improve Your MSP eNewsletter by Doing These 7 Things

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 83 percent of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing. What can you do to make sure that your business stands out to your list in their inboxes?

How to Design the Perfect MSP Print Newsletter from Scratch (Part 1)

How to Design the Perfect MSP Print Newsletter from Scratch (Part 1)

These days you may think that direct mailers are a thing of the past. However, we would like to point out some great reasons to add a print newsletter to your MSP marketing strategy. With most businesses moving to digital marketing, we like to remember how important it is to send out direct mailers - in this case, printed newsletters - when you can.

Why Digital Newsletters are an Invaluable Marketing Strategy


Newsletters are often the unsung heroes of a digital marketing strategy, especially given their impact. Often, in an attempt to shave down their marketing budget, companies will send their newsletters to the chopping block before their other marketing activities. This is a mistake, as the underestimated email newsletter has quite a bit of value to offer.

Creating a Company Newsletter That People Want to Read

Creating a Company Newsletter That People Want to Read

Monthly newsletters are a common marketing tactic used by small, medium, and large businesses alike. But, what exactly makes a ‘good’ company newsletter? What sort of content is going to keep people subscribed and reading your newsletter each and every month?

What Type of Newsletter Should Your Company Distribute?


As you probably know, newsletters are a staple part of content marketing for B2B companies - 83% of B2B marketers use newsletters for content marketing. That statistic is made up of people who do things the old-fashioned way - printed newsletters - and the newer, tech-savvy way: eNewsletter. You should be using at least one of these to market your company: 90% of people prefer to receive company updates from newsletters, compared to 10% for social media.

Understanding Metrics Series (4 of 6) - eNewsletter


If you want to improve the success of your marketing efforts, you should be tracking the metrics associated with each of your marketing types. In part four of our 6-part blog series, we’ll look at the top five metrics you should be examining in regards to your electronic newsletter (eNewsletter), and suggest some ways you can improve your results.

Should Your Marketing Include a Newsletter, a Blog, or Both?

Should Your Marketing Include a Newsletter, a Blog, or Both?

When deciding how to reach out to customers, companies have a lot of options. You’ll probably ask yourself questions like, “Do I write a blog and hope my clients read it? Do I email a newsletter and hope it gets forwarded to potential clients? Do I publish a printed newsletter and mail it out to my clients and prospects? Or do I produce all three?” We’ve broken down some pros and cons to blogs, as well as electronic and printed newsletters to help you make your decision.

4 Reasons that Newsletter Marketing is Important

4 Reasons that Newsletter Marketing is Important

Relationship building is an important part of a successful business-to-business sales process. Regardless of what part of the buying cycle a prospect or client is in, communicating with them regularly is important to that B2B dynamic. One of the most effective ways of maintaining communication is through a monthly newsletter, but why? What is it that makes newsletters so effective, even when there are so many other marketing options?