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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

How to Make Cold Outreach Work for You

How to Make Cold Outreach Work for You

Cold outreach has had a bad rep in modern marketing, but this reputation has not stopped it from being highly utilized and highly successful… when it’s done right.

Let’s review what you can do to make your cold outreach efforts more successful.

Don’t Talk to Your Leads… Talk to the People They Represent

Don’t Talk to Your Leads… Talk to the People They Represent

Let’s get this out of the way: you must communicate your message to the people you’re trying to convert into customers. These are the people who make up your leads, granted, but your leads are little more than a summation of data… notes you have about the businesses who may want to work with you.

However, you also mustn’t discredit your data on these leads, as it can easily be used to improve the message you share with the people receiving your communications. Let’s explore how you can do so via personalization.

Why Trust is More Critical Than Ever—and How MSPs Can Earn It

Why Trust is More Critical Than Ever—and How MSPs Can Earn It

Trust is the bedrock of any successful business relationship. Whether it’s a business owner depending on their employees to do the right thing, a company relying on its vendors to deliver what’s been promised, or a prospect choosing between service providers, trust is the differentiator that turns prospects into loyal customers.

If Your Prospects Aren’t Converting, Check for These 3 Issues

If Your Prospects Aren’t Converting, Check for These 3 Issues

Little can be more frustrating than thinking you’re doing everything right, only for your desired outcome to elude you… for instance, if your marketing prospects aren’t being drawn in.

Let’s explore some potential reasons why your prospects aren’t converting and how you can resolve the issues that may be present. 

The Importance of Following Up With Your Clients

The Importance of Following Up With Your Clients

There is an old saying that says, “the fortune is in the follow-up.” The saying is actually pretty accurate. Follow-ups have the potential to influence a customer’s overall experience with your company. How frequently you follow-up and the quality of your follow-ups can be beneficial - or detrimental - to your MSP’s long-term success.

How to Be Sure That You’re Seen As A Credible Source

How to Be Sure That You’re Seen As A Credible Source

It’s one thing to deliver a message to an audience. It’s another thing entirely to have that audience believe and trust you, putting what you say into practice. The first just takes marketing. The second, however, requires you to have built up your perceived trustworthiness: your “ethos,” or credibility.

Let’s explore why credibility is so important to your business' success and how you can cultivate it among the audience you want to attract.

You Can Boost Your Marketing with Customer Feedback—Here’s 4 Ways to Collect It

You Can Boost Your Marketing with Customer Feedback—Here’s 4 Ways to Collect It

There are two kinds of customer feedback; both can be incredibly helpful to the business that pays attention to what is said. Negative feedback can help identify and correct shortcomings and friction in your processes, and positive feedback can be used to bolster your business’ marketing.

Let’s focus on the latter use case, discussing how you can use your clientele’s good feelings to benefit your marketing efforts and how to collect this feedback more effectively.

Your MSP Marketing Needs Client Reviews to Back it Up

Your MSP Marketing Needs Client Reviews to Back it Up

Recently, Google has updated its requirements to run local ads from 1 review to 5 reviews. If you’ve been neglecting collecting reviews, now is the time to start, as they increase the value of your MSP marketing efforts.

MSP Marketing: Why Do People Follow You?

MSP Marketing: Why Do People Follow You?

When it comes to a company’s social media pages, every follower and “like” is valuable. Essentially, your social media followers are the ones who will most frequently see your marketing content. Therefore, when formulating your social media marketing strategy, you need to keep in mind their expectations, or else risk losing them.

How Should I Market My Managed Services Moving Forward, Post COVID-19?

How Should I Market My Managed Services Moving Forward, Post COVID-19?

It is now officially summer, with June 20th comfortably behind us. What have you planned for your business’ marketing, particularly as COVID-19 eases its grip on society even further? Let’s consider how you may consider marketing your business in the coming months, and how these strategies should shift.

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Tips on Sending Out 2 Types of B2B Holiday Emails


Email marketing is a great tool for B2B marketers to take advantage of due to its flexibility and ease of use. Specifically, it can be a great tool to use to stay connected during holidays throughout the year.

Social Media and the Rule of 7

Social Media and the Rule of 7

Social media marketing, like all marketing, requires repeat viewings to enter the consciousness and equally important the subconscious of the audience. This is why there is the “Rule of 7” - the long-held belief that a potential customer needs to see your ad at least seven times before they are willing to commit to an action. Yes, there are impulse buyers, but they are the exception, not the rule. Most people take some time before they commit to a course of action and successful marketing demands you ‘touch’ them multiple times to reinforce your message.

First Sight to Forever: Use Social Media to Develop Lasting Relationships

First Sight to Forever: Use Social Media to Develop Lasting Relationships

Have you ever been set up on blind date or gone on a first date where you didn’t know the person all that well? If so, you understand all the anxiety that it can cause. Figuring out what to wear, what to say and what to do can really stress you out and so can managing your company's social media accounts. What to post, what to like and what to share while still managing your company’s personality and authenticity while striving to become the thought leader in your area, can also cause anxiety for some. How do you minimize that anxiety on a first/blind date? Make it a group date - invite your friends and have them invite theirs. How do you minimize that anxiety when it comes to your social media? Share, retweet or repost other companies’ social media - as long as you have a method to your madness.

5 Reasons Why Your MSP Should be on Social Media

5 Reasons Why Your MSP Should be on Social Media

To many small business owners, especially those in the arena of serving other businesses, social media seems like a waste of time. You’re not selling a brand new, up-and-coming consumer product, you’re a managed service provider trying to sell businesses various IT-related services to other business. So, what’s the point of trying to compete for attention in online spaces filled with baby pictures, memes, and funny animal videos? Why should you even bother?

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Expand Your Reach with Active Social Media Business Accounts

Expand Your Reach with Active Social Media Business Accounts

If you’ve established social media pages but aren’t doing anything with them, you’re wasting so many valuable opportunities to connect with your target audience. This includes your clients, and even your prospects who decide to seek out more information about you.

The Role of Humor in MSP Marketing

The Role of Humor in MSP Marketing

Think about it: how many advertisements that you see actually capture your attention? How many leave a lasting impression that enables you to recall them days, weeks, or even months later?

Eight Ways to Hear What Your Clients Have to Say


When it comes to your business’ marketing, there’s one group who knows what works (and what doesn’t) better than anyone else: your audience. As a result, their feedback is some of the most important for you to hear. The best way of finding out what this group is thinking is to ask, and it just so happens that there are many ways for you to do so.

Get to Know Your Target Audience By Following This Process


Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. You need them to keep your business afloat.To do so, you need to understand things from their perspective. What are their business needs? What product and service solutions are they looking for to solve those needs?

First Impressions Matter, Especially When Onboarding a Client

First Impressions Matter, Especially When Onboarding a Client

This phrase may sound familiar to you: “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” There have been countless psychological studies that have shown how important it is to put your best foot forward when you first meet someone if you want to leave a positive, lasting impression.

When It Comes to Marketing, a Little Love Goes a Long Way

When It Comes to Marketing, a Little Love Goes a Long Way

As consumers, we encounter countless pieces of marketing and advertisements on a daily basis - estimates range from 3,000 to nearly 10,000! Ads are everywhere, meaning that the marketing you do is competing with hundreds, thousands, and possibly even millions of sources attempting to target the same people that you are. This makes it even more difficult to leave a lasting impression.