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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.
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The Basics of Boosting on Social Media

The Basics of Boosting on Social Media

Social media is an amazing marketing tool for businesses today. It has many features that require little more than your time and effort. However, these platforms also offer various paid tools for businesses—particularly those in B2B-focused industries—who should consider integrating them into their strategies. Take boosting, for instance.

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Which Social Platforms Should I Use to Market My MSP?

Social Media 101: Which Social Platforms Should I Use to Market My MSP?

It’s no secret at this point that social media is a useful tool for business marketing, effectively without exception. However, determining which of the available platforms is best for you to use to promote your offering as a managed service provider may be a little more challenging.

Let’s examine the benefits of utilizing social media as an MSP, before examining how each platform can be most effectively used.

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Should I Consider Instagram as Part of My Social Media Marketing?

Should I Consider Instagram as Part of My Social Media Marketing?

With over 2 billion monthly active users on the platform, chances are pretty good that a non-insignificant portion of your target audience is at least somewhat active on Instagram. If you aren’t making use of it to your business’ advantage, you should very much reconsider your approach.

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4 Important Reasons to Own Your Facebook Page

4 Important Reasons to Own Your Facebook Page

Does your business own its Facebook page? NO? You really should own your Facebook page. 

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The Persuasive Power of Statistics in MSP Marketing

The Persuasive Power of Statistics in Marketing

You want your MSP marketing to be persuasive in getting your target audience to do what you want them to do - turning to you for all of their IT needs. Unfortunately words aren’t always enough. Sometimes, you’ll need to use some numbers (specifically, statistics) to get your message across - the Statistics Appeal advertising strategy.

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MSP Marketing: Your ‘Unofficial’ Facebook Page is Hurting Your Business

Your ‘Unofficial’ Facebook Page is Hurting Your Business

MSP Marketing mistake: There are many Managed Service Providers out there that have decided, “we’re not going to bother with social media at all.” We understand where they’re coming from: managing multiple social media channels on top of handling all the day to day business processes can be overwhelming for a small business. Instead of even attempting to, some companies of smaller size won’t even bother setting up accounts for their company across the major platforms.

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4 Types of Campaigns that are Great Building Blocks for MSP Marketing

4 Types of Campaigns that are Great Building Blocks for MSP Marketing

When it comes to marketing, a campaign is an outline of how you’re going to reach a specific marketing goal: By using tactic 1, tactic 2 and tactic 3, we’re going to achieve a specific goal. Below, we’ve listed 4 popular campaigns types and when you might want to use them to reach your marketing goals.

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5 Tips for Social Media Marketing Success

5 Tips for Social Media Marketing Success

Social media is not only one of the main drivers of traffic to your site, but it is also a primary tool for the marketing of your business. Social media is particularly valuable to smaller businesses, as it can level the playing field in regards to the ability to communicate with an audience. Unsure of how to find the time to set up, customize and develop an effective social media plan for your business? Now’s the time for The Ultimate Social Media Rig.

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You Need to be Marketing Your MSP’s Website

You Need to be Marketing Your MSP’s Website

It won’t matter that your MSP’s website is a top-of-the-line, high-end, fully-featured masterpiece if you do not market it. All the time and resources you’ve spent making that masterpiece will have been wasted because no one will be able to find and see it. However, this is easily fixed with some marketing.

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Have You Made One of these Social Media Marketing Faux Pas?

Have You Made One of these Social Media Marketing Faux Pas?

Social media is one of those things that people often assume they are really good at. Now, we aren’t suggesting that you’re one of these people, but you want to be sure that you aren’t inadvertently making a critical error when using it.

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Can Past Social Media Activity Impact Future Employment?

Can Past Social Media Activity Impact Future Employment?

Social media is a real and prescient part of modern society, impacting far more than the social interactions that we have with our friends and peers. Nowadays, the way we represent ourselves online can have a very real influence on the workplace… leading many to question how legal it is for social media to impact one’s employment status.

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Keeping it Simple: Social Media Advertising

Keeping it Simple: Social Media Advertising

In the age of web 2.0, marketing has evolved from customers being told what to buy, to one in which business and customers have a conversation about which product is best suited for their needs. More often than not, this conversation occurs on social media.

So for example, let’s say you have a new service you wish to promote and are using social media to tell your customers about it. For this primer, we will refer to Facebook, but the same concepts apply to all types of social media marketing.

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How to Design and Run a Social Media Campaign from Start to Finish

How to Design and Run a Social Media Campaign from Start to Finish

Social media, in the relatively short time it has been a part of modern society, has revolutionized how we communicate—and business communications are no exception. Let’s go over why you should absolutely be using social media to your marketing’s benefit, and how you should go about doing so.

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Is PPC Right for My MSP?


Are you an MSP looking for leads but don’t know how to get started? Has Google sent you a $150 coupon for Google Ads and you’re thinking about trying it out? Before you do, here are some things to consider before you invest in Google Ads to market your MSP.

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6 Steps in Building a Solid Web Presence

6 Steps in Building a Solid Web Presence

So, you have a brand new website that offers some pretty outstanding products/services, and now you have the expectation that it is going to sell, sell, sell. Great products, after all, are the best marketing you can have. Let me tell you first so you don’t have to hear it from someone else…that isnot enough.

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Need a Marketing Boost? Try PPC!

Need a Marketing Boost? Try PPC!

A great way to see an improvement in your website traffic is to run pay-per-click (PPC) ads. These advertisements can help clients and prospects discover your MSP’s numerous service offerings, and even serve as a reminder of what you do if they’ve visited your website before.

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Why Blogs and Social Media Work Together So Well

Why Blogs and Social Media Work Together So Well

Two very common digital marketing avenues that a lot of MSPs will take is writing blogs to drive website traffic, and using social media to connect with their audience. Both of these methods should definitely be a part of your company’s own MSP marketing strategy, but can be even stronger when combining them together.

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How to Properly Use #Hashtags in Your #Marketing

How to Properly Use #Hashtags in Your #Marketing

Hashtags: they’re everywhere. Television shows dot episodes with a stream of hashtags for viewers to use on their social media accounts. During commercial breaks, everything from political spots, to advertisements, to promos for new episodes come emblazoned with hashtags.

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Leverage YouTube as a Killer B2B Marketing Tool


It’s no secret that we’re fans of video marketing for business-to-business communications -- we’ve discussed the positive benefits quite often. However, we’ve yet to talk about how to best use the de facto platform for video content in your strategy. YouTube has considerable utility where marketing is concerned, especially when leveraged to its full potential.

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LinkedIn 101 - Finding & Joining Groups [Social Media 101]

LinkedIn 101 - Finding & Joining Groups [Social Media 101]

LinkedIn is the social media platform that makes it easy for your MSP to connect with business professionals who may be interested in your services, or are already taking advantage of them. If your company is not already on LinkedIn, then it’s time to join.

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