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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.
This tag contain 1 private blog which isn't listed here.

Using JoomConnect to Streamline and Customize IT Support Requests

Using JoomConnect to Streamline and Customize IT Support Requests

We’ve always described JoomConnect as a marketing automation platform. After all, it integrates your website into ConnectWise and Autotask, so one of its biggest strengths is automating the lead generation process. With that said, our MSP has been using it for a long time to streamline our support process, and it’s done a lot to ensure that otherwise complicated tickets are handled much faster.

Celebrating 15 Years!

Celebrating 15 Years!

Wow! We are excited to be celebrating 15 years since the initial development of our JoomConnect platform. What started out as a login connection between ConnectWise and Joomla has grown into an assortment of marketing services for managed service providers by a managed services provider.

New Features and JoomConnect Syncs with ConnectWise 550% Faster!

New Features and JoomConnect Syncs with ConnectWise 550% Faster!
manage contacts
quick campaign pro
sync psa

Managed Service Providers (MSP) have been using our JoomConnect software to integrate and automate marketing, service and e-commerce with ConnectWise since 2009. Our success thanks to customers all over the world has allowed for consistent improvements to be made to our application. By now, our users know that the JoomConnect software is full of many useful features. Our development team strives to provide our customers with more effective ancillary features to make the complex or time-consuming tasks they face as an MSP easier. With each update, we are working on practical issues and problems that our users experience. We are are always brainstorming, and using customer experiences, to build solutions that allow our software to help users save time and avoid frustration.

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What Can a JoomConnect Form Do?

What Can a JoomConnect Form Do?

Our JoomConnect integrations help to automate a lot of critical processes for managed service providers to make their sales, service and marketing efforts standardized and simplified. We wanted to take a few moments to dive into some of the capabilities that a form on your website’s landing pages can offer in conjunction with ConnectWise Manage and Autotask.

Back to Basics: MSP Marketing 101

Back to Basics: MSP Marketing 101

Internet marketing is still relatively young. Fifteen years ago companies warmed up to having their own homepages. In the past five years, social media evolved from teenagers flirting on Myspace to a massive marketing tool which allows companies of all sizes to reach millions of people, all over the world. Today, the majority of businesses are heavily invested in internet marketing strategies. This creates a new problem, noise.

Noise happens when a customer is overwhelmed with a barrage of marketing messages. Just opening a web browser, users are faced with pop-up windows, spam, targeted ads, and more. The majority of users have learned to ignore these distractions.

JoomConnect FAQs - November 2013

JoomConnect FAQs - November 2013

The FAQ section of the JoomConnect Newsletter is designed to answer questions that we receive often about both JoomConnect and the MSP Website.

Do you have a question you'd like answered? Simply send an email to us!

JoomConnect FAQs - April 2014

JoomConnect FAQs - April 2014

The FAQ section of the JoomConnect Newsletter is designed to answer questions that we receive often about both JoomConnect and the MSP Website.

Do you have a question you'd like answered? Simply send an email to us!

IT Nation 2015

IT Nation 2015

For the 7th consecutive year, our team will be heading to The Sunshine State for IT Nation, one of the most important channel events for ConnectWise users. IT Nation hosts managed technology service companies from all over the world, giving them the opportunity to learn about the latest solutions, hottest technology, and improve their leadership and business management skills by attending a series of workshops, training labs and presentations.

Have You Introduced Yourself to Your Prospects?

Have You Introduced Yourself to Your Prospects?

When you’re trying to attract new patrons to your business, you may need to get a little aggressive with your marketing tactics. Of course, we aren’t saying that your message should be “USE OUR SERVICES OR ELSE.” We mean that, in order to make enough of an impression, you need to be both consistent and persistent.

'Quick Referral' for JoomConnect 1.1 coming for ConnectWise

I'm really starting to get excited (yes even more excited) about JoomConnect 1.1. Over the next few weeks while in beta we are going to leak some of the new features. Hopefully you will be as excited as we are. Keep reading to learn how we are sharing how to do this for free.

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Your Website as Part of the Customer Experience

Your Website as Part of the Customer Experience

Your MSP Website has several roles. Obviously first and foremost it's the ambassador of your online presence, with the goal of driving traffic and converting visitors to leads. However, it shouldn't stop there. Your website can be a major player when it comes with customer service, communication, and gold mining your existing clients.

How an SSL Certificate Can Reduce Your Website's Load Time

How an SSL Certificate Can Reduce Your Website's Load Time

Google Chrome is upping their game. Google has recently announced  that the next version of their popular internet browser, Chrome, will load pages from 20% to 26% faster. Chrome’s new format incorporates the use of a new compression algorithm, named Brotli. Compression algorithms shrink data that is being transmitted, which in turn increases the speed of the transfer. Brotli is a new type of data format which far out performs other compression algorithms.

Use File Uploads in JoomConnect Forms

Our team is always looking to add new, useful features to JoomConnect. We are happy to announce that a new form option has recently been added!


Welcome to the JoomConnect Blog

We cannot believe today is the day; the launch of JoomConnect.  The Directive JoomConnect Team has been burning the midnight oil to ensure a smooth launch of our website. It's going to launch with some content we really wanted to get done like some videos and a few other things, but we'll get them up a within a couple days after the launch.

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10 New Year Resolutions

10 New Year Resolutions

We grew a lot in 2009.  This is a great thing but it has also exposed a lot about our company that we want to improve on. It's pretty obvious what we need to work on to support the growth we expect in 2010 and beyond.

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What is GEO Protection?

We ran into a little problem. As it turns out, so many MSPs are taking advantage of our marketing solutions we often get sales requests by our clients' competition. I suppose this isn't a bad problem to have! We are implementing a solution right now to combat this and prevent locally competing MSPs from marketing with the same content. We call it GEO Protection.

New Categories Coming to our Blog Service

New Categories Coming to our Blog Service

In an effort to improve the blog service, we are implementing new blog categories. These categories will assist in the organization of the blogs, making them easier to find by readers and helping search engines in crawling. 

CPT: Happy Holidays from JoomConnect! [Video]

CPT: Happy Holidays from JoomConnect! [Video]
We’ve been hard at work putting together a holiday treat for you. This time of year has long been known as a time of happiness, joy, and togetherness, but it can also be a little... competitive. Who will give the most thoughtful presents? Which house has the best decorations? Who makes the nicest gingerbread house?

Don't Rush It - A young bull in a China shop

It's been two weeks since we launched JoomConnect. We agreed internally to always blog about the good AND the bad. So... I've been very pleased with the sales and responses we have gotten, even though our website launch sucked!  Getting to talk with so many partners and learning about their businesses has been amazing and overwhelming. Loving it! Why did I say it sucked? Things we've learned:



Advanced Printed Newsletter Techniques for MSP's

newsletter-transparent At JoomConnect not only do we provide the ultimate website integration and automation for MSP's and IT service providers running ConnectWise, but we also provide Managed Marketing Provider services as well. One of the things we do (help us get the word out and re-post or click like) and we haven't talked about it a whole lot yet is; MSP and IT based E-Newsletters and Printed Newsletters. We don't just make the Newsletters we also, email them, post them to your website, print them, fold, collate, handle the postage and delivery to your prospects and clients mailbox.