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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

How an SSL Certificate Can Reduce Your Website's Load Time

How an SSL Certificate Can Reduce Your Website's Load Time

Google Chrome is upping their game. Google has recently announced  that the next version of their popular internet browser, Chrome, will load pages from 20% to 26% faster. Chrome’s new format incorporates the use of a new compression algorithm, named Brotli. Compression algorithms shrink data that is being transmitted, which in turn increases the speed of the transfer. Brotli is a new type of data format which far out performs other compression algorithms.

What is GEO Protection?

We ran into a little problem. As it turns out, so many MSPs are taking advantage of our marketing solutions we often get sales requests by our clients' competition. I suppose this isn't a bad problem to have! We are implementing a solution right now to combat this and prevent locally competing MSPs from marketing with the same content. We call it GEO Protection.

New Categories Coming to our Blog Service

New Categories Coming to our Blog Service

In an effort to improve the blog service, we are implementing new blog categories. These categories will assist in the organization of the blogs, making them easier to find by readers and helping search engines in crawling. 

Advanced Printed Newsletter Techniques for MSP's

newsletter-transparent At JoomConnect not only do we provide the ultimate website integration and automation for MSP's and IT service providers running ConnectWise, but we also provide Managed Marketing Provider services as well. One of the things we do (help us get the word out and re-post or click like) and we haven't talked about it a whole lot yet is; MSP and IT based E-Newsletters and Printed Newsletters. We don't just make the Newsletters we also, email them, post them to your website, print them, fold, collate, handle the postage and delivery to your prospects and clients mailbox.

End of the Year Wrap Up

End of the Year Wrap Up

The spirit of the season is upon us and we want to let our friends, family, clients and colleagues know how much we appreciate them! We have had a truly wonderful 2015, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to!

Going the Extra Mile: JoomConnect's Marketing Solutions

Going the Extra Mile: JoomConnect's Marketing Solutions

You know that you need a marketing plan, but where do you begin? You need to figure out which topics best connect with your target audience. You must decide on how often you should run a referral campaign, and you need a way to track your campaign’s success. Sound like a lot to figure out? JoomConnect’s Marketing Plan provides all of this for you, and much more.

Social Media as a Service

Social Media as a Service

After months of beta testing, Social Media as a Service is ready to go mainstream! Our Social Media as a Service will help your business build its brand reputation on social media.

GEO Protection Program Expands as Scheduled

GEO Protection Program Expands as Scheduled

We are happy to report that our GEO Protection plan is progressing on schedule. We're now expanding GEO Protection to cover our MSP Blog service and our monthly newsletter services by implementing a second content stream.


Earlier this year, we implemented the first stages. Our GEO Protection program was designed to ensure that all of our clients who are located in similar geographical service areas will have different content. We've been doing this already with our website design services for over half a year, ensuring that we don't roll out a website with a similar design for an MSP when we already have a partner in that area.


14 tips to work your Social Media Rig

Directive has had the pleasure of working with David Mann for over 10 years. David owns Alta Log Homes in Upstate NY. Alta is a leading manufacturer of Log Homes. David is an expert in building Green, Energy Star dream homes and a great guy. His website is We set him up with the Ultimate Social Media Rig a few months ago along with some coaching services to get him started. He's been pretty religious about posting and using it.
He sent me an email asking what recommendations I'd have to get more out of it now that he's "warmed up" and has a little more experience with Social Media. These 14 tips were plucked from my response:

The Ultimate Social Media Rig for MSP's

Recently, I was asked to speak at a breakout session called Jumpstart Social Media for your IT Business with Erick Simpson and Mary McElwee (ConnectWise) at the 2009 ConnectWise Partner Summit. What a great event, we learned so much for our MSP practice, we are still implementing! Some of the power point slides from the breakout show our ConnectWise Project Plan for rolling out our "Ultimate Social Media Rig". We promised to get the project plan posted on the site. Rather than post just screen shots, we made it easier for you to get started and typed it up too, copy/paste ftw.