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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Simplify Your Social Media Marketing Strategy with Scheduled Posts

Simplify Your Social Media Marketing Strategy with Scheduled Posts

It’s important to have active social media accounts, but generating posts for your social media business pages is a LOT of work. You don’t want to be rushing to write some posts during a busy time of the quarter or trying to scramble to push out a post on a holiday in which you’re not in the office. 

Hootsuite: The Good, and the Bad

Hootsuite: The Good, and the Bad

Hootsuite is a social media marketing management tool that allows you to manage many social media platforms without having to login to each platform individually. It can help to increase your marketing strategies across your social media, with the ability to schedule posts and manage comments immediately. Hootsuite is a great new way for businesses to finally take advantage of social media for their marketing and not have to spend a ton of time doing it.

Comparing B2B Marketing Management Systems (2 of 3) - Social Media

Comparing B2B Marketing Management Systems (2 of 3) - Social Media

It’s important for B2B companies to create a rich social media presence. One of the easiest ways to do this is to schedule posts ahead of time on the social media networks the company is a part of through a social media management (SMM) system. Due to the value that this sort of thing provides to a business, there are dozens of options available for use, making the choice of what to use that much more difficult.

14 tips to work your Social Media Rig

Directive has had the pleasure of working with David Mann for over 10 years. David owns Alta Log Homes in Upstate NY. Alta is a leading manufacturer of Log Homes. David is an expert in building Green, Energy Star dream homes and a great guy. His website is We set him up with the Ultimate Social Media Rig a few months ago along with some coaching services to get him started. He's been pretty religious about posting and using it.
He sent me an email asking what recommendations I'd have to get more out of it now that he's "warmed up" and has a little more experience with Social Media. These 14 tips were plucked from my response:

The Ultimate Social Media Rig for MSP's

Recently, I was asked to speak at a breakout session called Jumpstart Social Media for your IT Business with Erick Simpson and Mary McElwee (ConnectWise) at the 2009 ConnectWise Partner Summit. What a great event, we learned so much for our MSP practice, we are still implementing! Some of the power point slides from the breakout show our ConnectWise Project Plan for rolling out our "Ultimate Social Media Rig". We promised to get the project plan posted on the site. Rather than post just screen shots, we made it easier for you to get started and typed it up too, copy/paste ftw.