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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

4 Questions You Need to Ask to Get Better Testimonials

5 Questions You Need to Ask to Get Better Testimonials

If you want to build trust with your audience, you could do a lot worse than relying on testimonials. These accounts, straight from the mouths of your previously satisfied customers and clients, can easily bear much more weight than many—arguably most—other marketing efforts. After all, they are first-hand accounts of what someone can expect from working with you. That said, there are still ways that you can and should coax the best, highest-quality testimonials from your happy clientele. Let’s go over the four questions you should always ask while collecting customer accounts to accomplish just that.

Why You Need a Formalized Referral Process

Why It’s Important to Formalize Your Referral Process

The value of a good referral should not be underestimated. Not only do they help you acquire a new prospect without the typical marketing investments you would otherwise make, but they also typically enter your marketing funnel much closer to the purchase point than the average lead does.

However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that referrals will start flowing in without some effort on your part. Let’s discuss the processes you must adopt to encourage your clients to provide you with referrals.

You Can Boost Your Marketing with Customer Feedback—Here’s 4 Ways to Collect It

You Can Boost Your Marketing with Customer Feedback—Here’s 4 Ways to Collect It

There are two kinds of customer feedback; both can be incredibly helpful to the business that pays attention to what is said. Negative feedback can help identify and correct shortcomings and friction in your processes, and positive feedback can be used to bolster your business’ marketing.

Let’s focus on the latter use case, discussing how you can use your clientele’s good feelings to benefit your marketing efforts and how to collect this feedback more effectively.

3 Ways Businesses Can Tackle Disinformation Campaigns

3 Ways Businesses Can Tackle Disinformation Campaigns

We often discuss your company’s image in terms of presenting itself and yourself in the best possible light, talking up your strengths and the benefits of your services. However, what if someone else is actively doing the opposite? While the term “fake news” has been thrown around a lot in recent years, the damage that can be done to even a small business is not to be underestimated.

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6 Reasons Why Your MSP Should Provide Live Chat Support

6 Reasons Why Your MSP Should Provide Live Chat Support

Adding a Live Chat solution to your MSP website is one of the best things you can do. Not only will your clients and prospects love it, but your IT company will receive many benefits from doing so.

Let’s talk about it.

How to Manage Your MSP’s Online Reputation

How to Manage Your MSP’s Online Reputation

Online reviews are a contentious thing for many businesses, as they have been known to both make and break them in the past. Chances are, there are some reviews of your business floating around on the Internet right now… and not all of them may be complimentary.

The Role of Humor in MSP Marketing

The Role of Humor in MSP Marketing

Think about it: how many advertisements that you see actually capture your attention? How many leave a lasting impression that enables you to recall them days, weeks, or even months later?

Get to Know Your Target Audience By Following This Process


Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. You need them to keep your business afloat.To do so, you need to understand things from their perspective. What are their business needs? What product and service solutions are they looking for to solve those needs?

Lessons from United Airlines’ $1.4 B (and counting) Social Media Shit Storm

Lessons from United Airlines’ $1.4 B (and counting) Social Media Shit Storm

After witnessing the viral social media impact of United Airlines most recent disaster involving forcefully removing a passenger from an overbooked airplane -- we figured it would be a good time to talk about what you can do to successfully manage a social media disaster. So, like they always say “Don’t be scared, be prepared!” 

Improving Your Relationships with Your Clients

Improving Your Relationships with Your Clients

Business has always been something that benefits from a close professional relationship. A relationship like this can be challenging to accomplish, however, as it usually requires some deliberate and meaningful action by the business. There are some methods that you can use to encourage this kind of relationship between your clients and your business.

Drive More Leads With A Referral Program

Drive More Leads With A Referral Program

A B2B Referral Program is a formalized process set up that allows your customers to recommend your business to another business in need of your products and services by asking your sales team to reach out to that other business in question. Often, these programs are paired with some sort of reward to the referring party, and may even offer a reward for the business that they referred if they become a paying client.

How To Encourage Customer Retention


To grow as a business, you have to bring in new clients. And, while this is true, your focus shouldn’t only be on building new relationships. You also need to dedicate resources to ensuring that your current customers continue to do business with you.

Keep Your Customers Happy With Your Marketing Initiatives!


As any business owner would tell you, a satisfied client or customer tends to be a loyal client or customer. The right marketing initiatives and activities can help to maintain that satisfaction, which is a crucial element in business. In today’s blog, we’ll review why it is so important to nurture your customer/client satisfaction, as well as how to measure it.