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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

When It Comes to Marketing, a Little Love Goes a Long Way

When It Comes to Marketing, a Little Love Goes a Long Way

As consumers, we encounter countless pieces of marketing and advertisements on a daily basis - estimates range from 3,000 to nearly 10,000! Ads are everywhere, meaning that the marketing you do is competing with hundreds, thousands, and possibly even millions of sources attempting to target the same people that you are. This makes it even more difficult to leave a lasting impression.

Improving Your Relationships with Your Clients

Improving Your Relationships with Your Clients

Business has always been something that benefits from a close professional relationship. A relationship like this can be challenging to accomplish, however, as it usually requires some deliberate and meaningful action by the business. There are some methods that you can use to encourage this kind of relationship between your clients and your business.

How to Use a Holiday (Like Valentine's Day) to Market Your Business


Valentine’s Day is a day famous for love, expressions of affection, and chocolate. As such, it may not be obviously apparent how the holiday lends itself to marketing your business to other businesses. However, there is potential for the holiday of love to stir up some action for your company.

Continue Your Marketing Touches After Onboarding a Client

Continue Your Marketing Touches After Onboarding a Client

As we’ve discussed before, marketing best practices state that utilizing your marketing to touch upon your audience’s pain points a total of 27 times will likely result in them signing on. While onboarding new clients is indeed a good thing, it is even better to retain them after their initial service has been completed. After all, it’s hardly worth all the trouble to claim a new client just to have them leave after one deal.

Open Your Heart to Good Marketing

Open Your Heart to Good Marketing

We’ve all been there. You're excited to begin working with a new client, only to find out a little bit down the road that the client's needs don't exactly align with your services. Your team then goes out of the way to help them to the best of your ability and, as much as the client appreciates all your attempts to help, you just can't get past the fundamental differences between their needs and your offering. Ultimately, you end up parting ways with nothing to show for all their hard work. Well, guess what? You can end this problem easily, with good marketing.