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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Happy World Emoji Day! How To Use Emojis in Your Marketing.


Do you use emojis on a daily basis? Many people use emojis all day long, even many businesses in their marketing! Since today is ?World Emoji Day?, we figured we’d shed some light on the little icons that help us to really just drive a point home, and figure out how different brands use them in their marketing!

Social Media Day - B2B Marketing on Social Media [Part 1 of 2]


Contrary to popular belief, Social Media is a place for more than just B2C businesses! How much of your business depends on referrals, and word-of-mouth marketing? Quite a bit? Social media marketing is essentially word-of-mouth marketing just multiplied by 3.2M (give or take a few).

Social Media Day: B2B Marketing on Social Media [Part 2 of 2]


Have you ever wondered how some companies do so well on social media? Are you trying to decipher their recipe for success? We’ve done the research and we’ve found some of the best tips and tricks for B2Bs on social media. 

How to Use a Holiday (Like Valentine's Day) to Market Your Business


Valentine’s Day is a day famous for love, expressions of affection, and chocolate. As such, it may not be obviously apparent how the holiday lends itself to marketing your business to other businesses. However, there is potential for the holiday of love to stir up some action for your company.

5 Things B2B Marketers Can Learn From Star Wars


Considering it’s one of the most epic movie franchises in history, there’s no doubt that there have been some equally epic marketing strategies behind its success. Unfortunately, the tricks used by Star Wars’ promotions tend to fit a bit better with B2C marketing strategies, as opposed to B2B.

And so, for B2B marketers who are looking to draw wisdom and inspiration from one of the greatest stories ever told, let us look toward the events that took place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Leverage Seasonal Marketing for Rapport, Not Revulsion

Leverage Seasonal Marketing for Rapport, Not Revulsion

As time passes, seasons change, and with those changes come different avenues and opportunities that you may use to your marketing advantage. Simply put, some marketing tactics are just better suited for different times of year. Even so, they’ll still require a thoughtful and deliberate implementation.

A large part of running a successful initiative themed around a season is to understand the climate, in a manner of speaking, of your area. As you plan your initiative, you must be familiar with trends in society and business and their tendency to shift with the seasons. This means that you must be aware of a variety of variables as you plan out your marketing strategy. For instance, as the holiday season winds down, the use of seasonal B2C marketing is fully apparent. However, with a few changes in approach, there is no reason that B2B marketing can’t leverage similar factors in their approach as well.

New Year, New You! Don't Forget Your Business Too!

New Year, New You! Don't Forget Your Business Too!

Happy New Year! Welcome in all the New Year’s Resolutions: finally losing those 10 extra pounds, eating better, saving money, etc. Whichever you’ve chosen for yourself, don’t stop there! Resolutions should be made for your business too because there’s always something we could be doing better or more of. Whether you’re looking to increase website traffic, sales or expanding your reach, a New Year’s resolution to focus on your marketing can help you achieve any of these things. Without marketing, your business stands little chance of becoming the best it can be. Take a look at 5 of our top marketing resolutions suggestions for 2017.

You Can Help Your MSP Go Green with These 4 'R' Words

You Can Help Your MSP Go Green with These 4 'R' Words

Friday, April 22, 2016 will mark the 46th anniversary of Earth Day. It was started on April 22, 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson to make sure that the media and political leaders were addressing the importance of our environment. We’ve all heard about “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” for years, but are you implementing these practices in your workplace?  Here at JoomConnect, we’ve developed a list of ways to offset our company’s carbon footprint by using the 4 R’s.

Happy National Tell a Joke Day!


 In honor of this day we figured you could always use a few marketing-related jokes, right? So, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite marketing related jokes for you! Enjoy!

Technology We Are Thankful For

Technology We Are Thankful For

For so many of us, daily use of technology has become a major part of our lives. Between computers, smartphones, laptops and other mobile devices, technology is rarely more than an arm's length away.


When we asked our staff what technology they’re the most thankful for, we got some genuinely thoughtful answers, reminding us that technology has changed our lives forever - and it isn’t all text messages and CandyCrush.