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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Why You Want to A/B Test Your Marketing (and How to Do It)

Why You Want to A/B Test Your Marketing (and How to Do It)

There are a lot of decisions to make in any marketing effort you put out, many of which could be the difference between success and failure. Even more common, however, are the decisions where the difference is between success and great success. Obviously, the latter option would be preferable…so how can you identify the right path?

Simple… by utilizing something called A/B testing. Let’s discuss what it is and, more importantly, how to do it.

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Using the 5 C’s of Marketing to Understand Your Business’ Capabilities

Using the 5 C’s of Marketing to Understand Your Business’ Capabilities

In order to effectively market any business—a managed service provider or otherwise—it is important to have a pretty in-depth understanding of the business as it stands. However, this is often easier said than done. That being said, there is a helpful framework you can use to greatly simplify the process and ensure that you accomplish this level of understanding: the five C’s of marketing.

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5 Steps to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

5 Steps to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

If you’ve ever received an SEO audit or looked at your analytics, a portion should measure your bounce rate. Your bounce rate can reflect engagement, and if it is too high, it may mean that your content is not resonating with your audience and they are leaving your website before they have a chance to convert. Here are five things you can do to reduce your bounce rate.

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A Balancing Act: 4 Ways the 80/20 Rule Applies to MSP Marketing

Balance Scale Tipped for 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 marketing rule is based on a century-old economic principle that, despite drastic economic and technological changes over the past century, continues to be effectively leveraged by businesses of all sizes and industries. Conceived in 1906 by famed Italian economist Vilgredo Pareto, the Pareto principle observed that about 80% of Italy’s wealth belonged to 20% of the population.

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How to Minimize Bounce Rate on Blog Pages

How to Minimize Bounce Rate on Blog Pages

Bouncing is, in most cases, a fun activity. From bouncy balls, to trampolines, to bungee jumping, there are countless ways that bouncing can be seen as a good thing. When it comes to your website, however, bouncing is widely considered the last thing you want your visitors to do. However, this can often be an oversimplification that hides the real problem.

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A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Advertising - Measure the Performance of your Advertisements [5 of 7]

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Advertising - Measure the Performance of your Advertisements [5 of 7]

Part 5 of 7 - Measuring the Performance of your Facebook Advertisement  [Series]

ROI is always top of mind for business owners. Often it is difficult to calculate an accurate ROI for social media marketing. Luckily, Facebook makes tracking ROI simple with Ads Manager. The following will help you review the success of your Facebook Advertisement using Facebook’s Advertising Metrics (KPI’s - Key Performance Indicators).

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How Metrics Can Bring Your Marketing To New Heights


When enacting a marketing strategy, it is of considerable benefit to pay attention to metrics--key data and measurements that can provide you with invaluable insights. However, not all data qualifies as a metric, and not all metrics will make sense for all of your initiatives. As a result, it is crucial that you identify the metrics and key performance indicators that apply to each initiative.

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Ahead of the CURVE: Why IT Marketers Love Email Marketing

Ahead of the CURVE: Why IT Marketers Love Email Marketing

Practically every marketer has an opinion about HOW to write a marketing email. A Google search of ‘B2B email marketing’ will reveal hundreds of thousands of websites, articles, blogs, videos, and infographics that offer best practices, templates, examples, etc. Often, these articles contradict each other and are created based on the author’s personal experience with very little corroborative data.

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How to Determine Which Social Media Metrics You Should Track


Social media is more than just an excellent outlet for your marketing--it can also deliver highly valuable metrics that bring you valuable insights and information. You just need to know where to look for these metrics. In this blog, we’ve compiled the social media metrics that we feel could be the most helpful to your marketing.

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How to Keep Visitors on Your Site Long Enough to Convert

How to Keep Visitors on Your Site Long Enough to Convert

Your bounce rate is one of the fundamental metrics in determining whether or not your website is attracting an audience and relevant traffic. While you can’t have an audience without traffic, traffic without an audience is just noise.

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Understanding Metrics Series (4 of 6) - eNewsletter


If you want to improve the success of your marketing efforts, you should be tracking the metrics associated with each of your marketing types. In part four of our 6-part blog series, we’ll look at the top five metrics you should be examining in regards to your electronic newsletter (eNewsletter), and suggest some ways you can improve your results.

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Understanding Metrics Series (5 of 6) - Direct Mail


In part five of our 6-part blog series, we’ll examine the top five metrics you should be looking at in regards to your direct mail marketing efforts, and give you suggestions of how to improve what you find.

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Understanding Metrics Series (6 of 6) - Blog


In the final part of our 6-part blog series, we’ll examine the top five metrics you should be looking at in regards to your company’s blog, and provide you with multiple ways that you can improve your results.

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Understanding Metrics Series (3 of 6) - Social Media


In part 3 of our 6-part blog series, we’ll examine the top 5 metrics you should be looking at in regards to your social media marketing efforts, and give you suggestions of how to improve.

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Understanding Metrics Series (2 of 6) - Video


In this six-part blog series, we’re taking a look at the key metrics we recommend monitoring when trying to determine how to improve your marketing. Here, in part two, we’ll examine the top five metrics you should be looking at in regards to your video marketing efforts.

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Understanding Metrics Series (1 of 6) - Website


In this six-part blog series, we’ll explore the key metrics you should be looking at when trying to determine how to improve the ROI of your marketing. Here, in Part 1, we’ll examine the top five metrics you should be looking at in regards to your company’s website.

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How to Establish if Your Marketing Efforts Were Worth the Cost


It has become a prerequisite for success in the modern business environment that all businesses must engage in marketing in one form or another in order to achieve some level of success. However, measuring your marketing performance can be tricky, if you don’t know what to look for. We recommend that, in order to optimize how you spend your marketing budget, you keep an eye on the following metrics.

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The Role of ROI in Marketing Success

The Role of ROI in Marketing Success

Return on Investment, or ROI, is an important part of any business model. It answers one of the most fundamental questions in business: ‘Is our product or service making a profit?’ Regardless of size or industry, there is a basic formula for determining if your investment is making money: 


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Size Matters: Measuring Success with ROI for Marketing Campaigns


One of the most important metrics to any marketing strategy can be one of the trickiest to calculate: Return on Investment (ROI). Along with more tools to help you calculate it, digital marketing has seen ROI undergo some extreme changes. While the principle this metric has been around for a very long time, it’s only in the past decade or so that data became easier to collect and analyze. is easy to collect the data required for an accurate ROI.

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