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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

MSP Marketing: Why Physical Marketing Should Work With Digital Marketing


While digital marketing is a powerful avenue to utilize, it can often be supplemented with physical marketing initiatives. These physical initiatives can be a powerful means of marketing in their own right, and can serve as a powerful addition to an inbound strategy. We’ll explore some examples of physical marketing, and how they can be used to boost your overall efforts.

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What You Need to Know About Running A Google Ad Campaign

What You Need to Know About Running A Google Ad Campaign

If you’re familiar with the common digital marketing tactics, you have probably heard of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. If you’re not, it’s essentially a way for you to promote your company online to your target audience while still keeping your marketing budget under control: you pay when a person clicks on your ad.

Why Digital Newsletters are an Invaluable Marketing Strategy


Newsletters are often the unsung heroes of a digital marketing strategy, especially given their impact. Often, in an attempt to shave down their marketing budget, companies will send their newsletters to the chopping block before their other marketing activities. This is a mistake, as the underestimated email newsletter has quite a bit of value to offer.

A MSP Marketer's Guide to Social Media Success


Social Media is an important part of any marketing strategy. Whether you choose to blog, post upcoming events, ideas, company related stories or pay for advertising through these social media outlets, you’re doing your company a favor. Social media is EVERYWHERE and the people that use it are checking it a lot! But how do you know if you are utilizing the different platforms to their full potential? And with so many platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, how do you know how to keep track of them all to make sure they’re working for you?

Has Your ‘About Us’ Page Forgotten What It’s About?

Has Your ‘About Us’ Page Forgotten What It’s About?

The About Us page is potentially one of the most important parts of your website, but is sadly forgotten about underneath the immense pile of other content your business has. What a lot of people fail to realize is that without a proper About Us page, you run the risk of a disconnection with your audience, as well as prospective leads not knowing how to contact you.

Why You Need Videos in Your Marketing

Why You Need Videos in Your Marketing

Why should you be using video in your marketing? Well, to be honest, if you’re not using it now, you will soon be one of the only companies not using it. More and more businesses are discovering how powerful online video marketing is and how easy it is to distribute to potential clients worldwide!

How the Internet of Things Impacts Your Marketing

How the Internet of Things Impacts Your Marketing

As part of an IT Company, you’re probably familiar with the Internet of Things (IoT). If you’re not quite sure or would like some clarification, it’s essentially the entire network of devices and appliances that connect to the Internet (or sometimes a more private network) to interact and exchange data.

Has Your Marketing Strategy Adjusted for the New Year?

Has Your Marketing Strategy Adjusted for the New Year?

If your resolution for 2019 was to improve your company’s marketing efforts, you need to adjust your marketing strategy from 2018 and put your best foot forward to keep up with current and future marketing trends. Making your adjustments now rather than later is more important than you think. Due to technological advancements, the capabilities at your disposal are changing extremely rapidly -- failing to keep up with them will make your business fall behind.

Micro-Moments: What They Are, and Why They Matter

Micro-Moments: What They Are, and Why They Matter

Smartphones have changed the way the world works. More specifically, they have changed consumer behavior. Consumers today are close to - or, may already be at - the point of “content shock” where they cannot consume more content than they already are. This means that, as a brand, you may only have a few seconds to capture the attention of a prospect.

How to Market in An Oversaturated Digital World

How to Market in An Oversaturated Digital World

In a survey conducted by eMarketer in 2017, 71% of respondents said that ads are more intrusive now than they were 3 years ago. And, they probably are. I’m sure you’ve noticed an increase in ads on your social media pages and as you browse the Internet. Part of this is because of how easy and affordable it is to advertise in the digital space. So, many different companies are dedicating the majority of their marketing budgets to digital marketing efforts.

Comparing B2B Marketing Management Systems (3 of 3) - Website

Comparing B2B Marketing Management Systems (3 of 3) - Website

To get the most out of your digital marketing, it’s important to have a quality website. Part of that goes into having the best content management system (CMS) that gives you the ability to create a rich, intuitive website that creates a positive experience for visitors.

Get Noticed! Marketing and Web 2.0


How do you market to an audience that is fully capable of making their own ‘secret sauce’? An audience with a click of a button can just look it up and do themselves? What purpose does your business serve? In other words, why do I need you?

What Millennial Decision Makers Want To See

What Millennial Decision Makers Want To See

You’ve just found out that the senior decision maker of one of your current clients will be stepping down in favor of retirement - they’ve earned it, after all of their years of hard work. To fill that position, their company will be promoting someone internally to fill that role.

Do GIFs Have a Place in B2B Marketing?

Do GIFs Have a Place in B2B Marketing?

The use of animated GIFs has exploded in recent years: 69% of consumers reported to frequently using GIFs in their personal communications. It should come as no surprise that this trend has spread to the marketing world - you’ve probably seen some being used already, as many B2C marketers have already capitalized on this movement.

But, do GIFs have a place in B2B marketing?

How to Improve Your Digital Marketing


Marketing has always kept pace with the technologies of its time, and has been, at times, hindered by them. This has become much less of an issue today, as we now have the ability to use the Internet and other computing technologies to market in a digital environment, expanding our reach and the knowledge we can glean from our efforts. However, some methods of digital marketing today are more effective than others. In order to be successful, you should focus on doing it the right way.

The True Importance of Transparency in B2B Marketing

The True Importance of Transparency in B2B Marketing

Digital marketing has become the primary type of advertising. While there are many different suggestions about digital marketing best practices, one thing that most marketers can see eye-to-eye on is the importance of transparency. Fortune magazine defines transparency as: 

“making the practices, policies, algorithms, and even code, operating data, and future plans available to customers, employees, or business partners — runs counter to traditional business practices."

To put it simply, transparency is opening your company’s proverbial door to clients, prospects, vendors, and anyone else who cares to learn about you.

Is There a Secret Formula for “Going Viral”?

Is There a Secret Formula for “Going Viral”?

Have you ever wondered what makes Internet content “go viral?” Obviously, it’s not a matter of logic and professionalism, as we are so painfully reminded by virtually every piece of viral content. However, there is some method to the madness. Research has revealed several trends in viral content which you might be able to take advantage of with content of your own.

Engage and Inspire Your Audience with a Webinar!

Engage and Inspire Your Audience with a Webinar!

Are you tired of doing business like it is 1973? The way that we conduct meetings can be tedious. People are either always late, or they may have to travel miles upon miles in order to attend. The Internet has connected us in ways that nothing ever could have before. We can chat with people on the other side of the world, but for the small business owner, this isn’t enough. Sometimes it demands a more personal touch. Sometimes it demands... a webinar.