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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

As an IT Expert, You Need to Remember How to Talk to Those Who Aren’t

As an IT Expert, You Need to Remember How to Talk to Those Who Aren’t

I don’t have to tell you that, for the managed service provider, the sales cycle doesn’t have an end… it kind of just keeps going. While the finish line may seem to be signing a new contract, there’s a lot you still have to do to encourage continued and increased business with your new client. Much of it will depend on your ability to communicate with them.

From your sales team to all those who work with your clients regularly, everyone must remember a few critical practices when communicating with your clients and prospects.

Keyword Density: How Many Times Should You Use a Keyword To Market Your MSP?

Keyword Density: How Many Times Should You Use a Keyword?

Are you trying to find the “magic” number of times a keyword should appear in your MSP content? Keyword density remains one of the most misunderstood SEO and content marketing aspects. Here are three tips to better understand and use keyword density to rank on Google.

MSP Marketing: 20 Must-Have MSP “Magic” Keywords

MSP Marketing: 20 Must-Have MSP “Magic” Keywords

Are you using the most effective keywords for your MSP marketing goals? Moveover, are you using keywords in the most effective way to rank on page one? Here are the best keywords and how to use them.

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Four Tips For Maintaining Your SEO After Relocating Your MSP

Four Tips For Maintaining Your SEO After Relocating Your MSP

Relocating your business is stressful enough; the last thing you want is to discover you can no longer find yourself on Google after the move. If you can’t find yourself, neither can your clients. Here are three things you can do to ensure leads can find you online after the move.

MSP Marketing: How to Rank for the Keywords You Want

How to Rank for the Keywords You Want

When you search for serbices you offer as an MSP on Google, are you finding your business? Are your competitors ranking for keywords you feel you need to attract more clients? Before you give us on your MSP marketing, take a moment to learn why you’re not ranking for your keywords and what you can do to change it.

Three Reasons Why SEO Doesn’t Work For MSPs

Three Reasons Why SEO Doesn’t Work For MSPs

Many MSPs believe that, as long as they have some keywords, they have an SEO plan in place. Moreover, they feel that once they have an SEO plan in place, they are done and if they don’t rise in placement then SEO doesn’t work. The reality is SEO isn’t a strategy, it’s a tactic, and SEO requires the support of other tactics in order to be successful. Here are three reasons why SEO might not be working for your MSP.

How Can I Use SEO to Help My MSP Website Rank Better?

How Can I Use SEO to Help My MSP Website Rank Better?
Is your MSP website not generating as many leads as you hoped? Chances are your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is focused on what keywords are and not what they do. Keywords are a starting point for SEO, not the end and certainly not the only factor in making SEO work for your MSP. Here are four tips to help you better understand how to use SEO as part of your MSP Marketing Plan.

7 Ways to Get Your MSP to Rank for Multiple Locations

7 Ways to Get Your MSP to Rank for Multiple Locations

You’re a successful Managed Service Provider serving multiple cities, or even multiple states... yet when you do a Google search for IT companies in those locations, your business doesn’t come up as a result. Instead, the results are populated with local businesses which feature the location in their titles or meta-descriptions.

Should I Use Google Adwords?


As marketing has shifted to predominantly take place online, it is important to understand the tools available in order to best make use of them. Google AdWords is a prime example of a tool that can provide notable marketing benefits--although it may not be the right fit for everyone.

Create Outstanding Content By Keeping it Simple

Create Outstanding Content By Keeping it Simple

It’s important to have original, fresh, and engaging content on your company’s website. Do you know how to build out such content? As a business owner, you’re inundated with marketing experts telling you about the need to develop good content. It turns out that creating dynamic content isn’t that hard. In fact, keeping your content simple works best. 

Should I Use Meta Keywords?


Ensuring that your web presence is optimized to attract the attention of search engines is a key feature of creating your website. However, some pieces are more important than others, especially in the eyes of Google. A prime example is meta keywords--do they really influence your search engine ranking?

Understanding SEO: Part One - Keywords


In this five-part blog series, we’ll explore some of the best practices of search engine optimization and how you can use it most to your advantage. Here, in part one, we’ll discuss how to determine which keywords will work best for you.

Understanding SEO: Part Four - Myths and Misconceptions


We’ve spent the better part of a five-part blog series discussing the assorted aspects of your search engine optimization. Here, in part four, we explore some of the myths surrounding SEO practices so you can avoid being tripped up by them as you leverage search engine optimization as a part of your marketing strategy.

The Role Keywords Play in SEO and Content Marketing

The Role Keywords Play in SEO and Content Marketing

You may already know this, but keywords are an important part of any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. The question is: are you using them effectively?

It’s Time to Update How You Use Keywords

It’s Time to Update How You Use Keywords

Using keywords is one of the most challenging topics for MSP businesses as they develop their SEO strategy. While best practices involving SEO and keywords have evolved over the past decade, many businesses are still using the SEO playbook from the 1990s and finding themselves having poor outcomes. Take a moment to review how keyword optimization is utilized today.

Bridging the Communication Gap: Techie and End User

Bridging the Communication Gap: Techie and End User

When you look at the nature of managed IT services from a sales and marketing perspective, you’ll learn that you’re never really done with the sales cycle. Even after signing an agreement, you’ll be looking to have them renew contracts, subscribe to additional services, and provide referrals and testimonials. This means that communication established by your sales team and during onboarding is sustained by all of your team throughout the course of your relationship. Here are a few concepts that your whole staff should keep in mind when communicating with customers.