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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

How to Make Images Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

How to Make Images Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

Modern marketing is essential to any business’ operations, making it even more critical that all marketing efforts are as effective as possible. Images can play a significant role in accomplishing this goal.

Let’s talk about how you can (and should) use images and other visual elements to make your content more engaging.

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The 5 Things You Should Do Every Day for Marketing Success

How to Make Images Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

If there’s one thing marketing needs to be successful, it’s consistency. Sure, it needs to be informative, engaging, and convincing, but if your audience doesn’t see it regularly, it just will not be as effective as you need it to be. Of course, to create this level of consistency, you need to be consistent in your activities.

That’s why we’ve outlined five things that you should do each and every day to help make your marketing as effective and impactful as possible.

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Getting Stuck on the Small Stuff Prevents Success

Getting Stuck on the Small Stuff Prevents Success

The difference between success and failure isn’t just about how motivated you are. Most of us in the IT industry are very detail oriented, and it’s easy to get tangled up in the small details. Sometimes, getting stuck on the minutiae can really get in the way of launching and succeeding. Let’s talk about some common pitfalls MSPs often get stuck in that prevent them from driving business forward.

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4 Questions You Need to Ask to Get Better Testimonials

5 Questions You Need to Ask to Get Better Testimonials

If you want to build trust with your audience, you could do a lot worse than relying on testimonials. These accounts, straight from the mouths of your previously satisfied customers and clients, can easily bear much more weight than many—arguably most—other marketing efforts. After all, they are first-hand accounts of what someone can expect from working with you. That said, there are still ways that you can and should coax the best, highest-quality testimonials from your happy clientele. Let’s go over the four questions you should always ask while collecting customer accounts to accomplish just that.

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Why You Want to A/B Test Your Marketing (and How to Do It)

Why You Want to A/B Test Your Marketing (and How to Do It)

There are a lot of decisions to make in any marketing effort you put out, many of which could be the difference between success and failure. Even more common, however, are the decisions where the difference is between success and great success. Obviously, the latter option would be preferable…so how can you identify the right path?

Simple… by utilizing something called A/B testing. Let’s discuss what it is and, more importantly, how to do it.

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How to Be Sure That You’re Seen As A Credible Source

How to Be Sure That You’re Seen As A Credible Source

It’s one thing to deliver a message to an audience. It’s another thing entirely to have that audience believe and trust you, putting what you say into practice. The first just takes marketing. The second, however, requires you to have built up your perceived trustworthiness: your “ethos,” or credibility.

Let’s explore why credibility is so important to your business' success and how you can cultivate it among the audience you want to attract.

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4 Ways to Get More Value Out of Your Blog Content

4 Clever Ways to Get More Value Out of Your Blog Content

As MSPs, delivering value goes beyond just providing services—it’s about giving knowledge to our clients and prospects. However, with so little time in the day to manage and maintain your existing client base, how can you even think of providing this information, too? This is a question our MSP blog service answers. 

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How Many Marketing Emails Are Too Many?

How Many Marketing Emails Are Too Many?

Email is a hugely effective tool that you can use to boost your business’ marketing efforts, provided you use them correctly. If misused, however, email marketing can be less beneficial (or worse, actively harmful) to your business’ self-promotion.

Let’s determine how to balance between overdoing your email marketing and neglecting your contacts so that you can get the most value out of your efforts.

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Is Your Website Compliant with Cookie Laws?

Is Your Website Compliant with Cookie Laws?

Do you know the old saying about how the shoe cobbler always has holes in his boots? As an MSP, you are always thinking about the compliance of your clients, to the point where you might put your own security on the back burner. It’s easy to shove your website to the furthest corner of your to-do list, so let’s take a quick look at a couple of things you definitely should be thinking about.

Today we’re going to be talking about Cookie Laws and how your MSP should handle them.

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FREE Referral Campaign

FREE Referral Campaign

Download Our FREE MSP Referral Campaign

Referrals are the easiest, most cost-effective leads your MSP can get!
Whether your MSP has a $150,000/year marketing budget or shoestring marketing budget, referrals are always a reliable source of new prospects. A good referral campaign will incentivize your clients to refer you to their friends and colleagues, but a great referral campaign will give your clients something of value.

That’s the goal of this campaign.

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Cold Email Effectiveness: Tips for Better Results

Cold Email Effectiveness: Tips for Better Results

Email marketing is a supremely beneficial element of a managed service provider’s overall marketing strategy. Once you have permission to reach out to a contact via email, there are quite a few ways to use it to promote your business’ services.

One such way is through cold emails, but are they effective enough to bother with? Is there a more effective way you can send them?

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When it Comes to Cybersecurity, MSPs Need to be Educators

When it Comes to Cybersecurity, MSPs Need to be Educators

Today, every business needs cybersecurity. In some industries, we (and other MSPs) are starting to see more and more decision-makers actually come to us and request it. If you are an MSP and cybersecurity isn’t a part of your service stack, and you aren’t talking about it each and every week on your website, in your QBRs, and in your marketing, then you are going to be left in the dust.

Let’s talk about how you can maintain that balance with some strategic marketing and culture-building.

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5 Types of Marketing Campaigns You Need to Be Using

5 Types of Marketing Campaigns You Need to Be Using Tactically

The idea of marketing can be intimidating, particularly for small (or, yes, even medium-sized) businesses. After all, other work must still be done, and properly promoting your company and its services can drain your resources. That said, marketing is something that no business can go without.

We’ve strategized and tested different ways to execute marketing efforts most effectively, so we can confidently recommend a few marketing campaigns. In our experience, the five you’ll see below are essential to any MSP’s success.

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How Important is Your SEO for Your B2B Marketing?

How Important is Your SEO for Your B2B Marketing?

In a word: very.

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Our ABCs of Sales: Always Bring Collateral

Our ABCs of Sales: Always Bring Collateral

MSPs need to dress to impress when it comes to capturing new business. Why not make sure your sales efforts are equipped for success in the first place?

Having good marketing and sales collateral is one of the most effective means to boost your sales success. Let’s examine why this is so and how to make your collateral as impactful as possible.

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Philly Cheesesteak Tortellini Pasta

Philly Cheesesteak Tortellini

Indulge in the ultimate comfort food with this Philly Cheesesteak Tortellini Pasta. Juicy beef, tender vegetables, and melted provolone cheese come together in a rich, creamy sauce that will keep them coming back for seconds.

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7 Reasons Your Blog Sucks (And How to Fix It)

7 Reasons Your Blog Sucks (And How to Fix It)

Having a blog is critical to B2B marketing—it’s a great way to communicate your services and differentiators to your audience and an amazing way to provide value to your overall website experience.

However, if your blog isn’t built correctly, there’s no point in spending all that time writing and publishing great content. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest problems we see MSPs (and other businesses) run into when building their blogs.

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Turn Your Techs into an IT-Selling Sales Machine

Turn Your Tech into a Sales Machine

You can’t always expect to fit a square peg into a round hole, and you can’t always expect an IT technician to be a great salesperson. However, if you equip them with the right tools, you can turn anyone into an upseller… even if they have little to no experience in sales.

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Writing a Compelling Case Study

Writing a Compelling Case Study

In many ways, a case study is one of the most powerful marketing tools that any business— especially one that serves other businesses—can use. Not only does it serve as a highly effective form of social proof, it also gives your existing marketing collateral another impactful deliverable—provided that it is put together properly. Consider this your complete guide to putting together and utilizing great case studies.

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Grow Your Email Marketing List Using These Tips

Grow Your Email Marketing List Using These Tips

A quality email marketing list is essential for any business in the B2B space. However, compiling a list is a complicated, time consuming process. Because of this, many MSP companies will compile a list all at once, and then continue to use that same list for all of their future marketing needs. This mistake can negatively impact your marketing efforts.

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