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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Branding Guides: The Essential MSP Marketing Success Tool

Branding Guides: The Essential MSP Marketing Success Tool

MSP Marketing is something a majority of companies struggle with. Without the right tools, marketing success is unlikely. Business owners are hammered with the importance of building a brand, brand awareness, brand recognition, brand identity, and many think they can achieve this by simply slapping a logo wherever it is most noticeable. Your brand identity is essentially your DNA, although reflecting it isn't always that simple.

Your Logo Represents Your Company. Is It Doing A Good Job?

Your Logo Represents Your Company. Is It Doing A Good Job?

The word ‘logo’ is derived from the Greek word ‘logos,’ which directly translates to ‘word’. In the world of marketing and design, creating a logo is like creating a visual word that will be used to identify your brand. Your logo should be treated as the foundation for messages coming from your company as it sets the stage for all branding efforts.

What To Do If Your Logo Needs a Redo

What To Do If Your Logo Needs a Redo

If you were to show someone on the street an image of a arching yellow “M,” they would almost certainly recognize the brand that the iconic symbol represents, and could probably name many of the marketing initiatives and products that the associated business releases to the public. That’s the power a logo can hold--a single stimulus that can bring complete recognition of a brand, which is a significant tool to wield in pursuit of a successful marketing strategy. However, as a company ages, its logo may eventually need to be redesigned to better reflect the sensibilities of the company. When this becomes the case, there are particular best practices that should inform the design process to develop the most effective logo to represent the business.

3 Ways to Market Your Company to Mobile Users


You may have realized that marketing and advertising tactics are shifting toward reaching mobile leads. Even superstar companies like Google and Facebook are delegating more marketing dollars to their mobile marketing budgets after a discovery that nearly one-fifth of Google’s revenue comes from mobile searching. Here are three ways your company can start up your mobile marketing initiative.

Creating the Right Logo is Tricky… Without Help, That Is (FREE RESOURCE)


A logo is one of the most potentially powerful elements of a company’s branding. We say “potentially” because there are many ways that a logo can be designed, and a misstep or poor choice can make it ineffective. However, how can you make the right choice if you don’t even realize that there’s a choice involved?