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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

How Your MSP Should Be Using LinkedIn to Its Fullest Potential

Since it was first introduced in 2003, LinkedIn has shown its value as not only a great tool for job seekers, but also as a resource for businesses that serve other businesses to market their services and specialties. However, there are a lot of ways that you might not be getting as much out of your use of the platform—and that’s why we wanted to share a few best practices to help fix that.

LinkedIn 101: Personal Profile vs. Business Page [Social Media 101]


LinkedIn is one more of those social media platforms that continues to grow. Using it can get your company name out there, and get potential employees in contact with you along with possible new clients.

Leveraging SlideShare is a Great Way to Market Your MSP


When John Henrik Clarke said, “A good teacher, like a good entertainer, first must hold his audience’s attention, then he can teach his lesson,” it isn’t very likely that he was referring to marketing a business. However, his point still applies: while marketing your business, you need to leverage different content formats to keep your audience engaged. SlideShare is one way to do so.

Are You Utilizing LinkedIn to the Fullest Advantage?

Are You Utilizing LinkedIn to the Fullest Advantage?

LinkedIn is a place where prospects can learn about your company through a social network that is designed for business professionals. It’s a place where your current clients often expect professional updates from. And, it’s a place where potential future employees are searching for employment.

Why MSPs Should Pay Attention to Social Media Marketing

Why MSPs Should Pay Attention to Social Media Marketing

Facebook! Twitter! LinkedIn! Google+! How do you know if a platform is necessary for your business? How do you even go about setting up an account? What do you post? Below is a pretty basic guide to getting started on social media, why the ‘Big 4’ platforms are important to you, and why posting to those platforms is important for marketing your business.

B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

B2B marketing, although similar to B2C marketing, has a few specific qualities that set it apart from its counterpart. As many social media platforms are highly B2C focused, B2B marketers sometimes have a hard time seeing results from them. One platform however, where B2B marketing stands supreme? LinkedIn.

Using Social Media Algorithms to Your Advantage - LinkedIn (1 of 4)


Part 1 of 4 - How to Use LinkedIn's Algorithm to Your Advantage [Series]

Social media is an excellent tool to use as part of a business-to-business marketing strategy. However, these websites utilize different algorithms to prioritize and order the content that is displayed first. In order to make optimal use of your social media accounts for maximum reach and visibility, you have to understand what these algorithms focus on. In our first installment of our four-part series, we will focus on LinkedIn, the business-centric social media network.