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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Instagram 101 - Videos [Social Media 101]

Instagram 101 - Videos [Social Media 101]

With the increased use of social media for marketing, there has also been an increase in engagement numbers for videos over photos. Video marketing has been growing with the use of social media platforms because videos allow users the ability to share more complex and in-depth stories with their viewers, more so than one photo can do. It’s particularly useful on one already visual-centric social media platform - Instagram.

Instagram 101 - Boosting Your Posts [Social Media 101]

Instagram 101 - Boosting Your Posts [Social Media 101]

Pretty much every social media platform has paid options available to Business Accounts that can help increase the chance that their posts are seen by their target audience. Instagram is no exception.

Instagram 101 - Setting Up Your Instagram Page [Social Media 101]

Instagram 101 - Setting Up Your Instagram Page [Social Media 101]

It’s important to leave a positive impression on all those that encounter your business, no matter what way they encounter it. To make sure that your brand is represented as it should be, you need to take the time to set up and brand your social media profiles accordingly. 

Instagram 101 - Connecting Your Account to Your Facebook Page [Social Media 101]

Instagram 101 - Connecting Your Account to Your Facebook Page [Social Media 101]

Instagram is a great social media platform - one that your MSP can take advantage of. Since Instagram is owned by Facebook, there’s an additional step that you can take to enhance your social media marketing efforts: connect your MSP’s Instagram account to the company Facebook page.