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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Comparing B2B Marketing Management Systems (1 of 3) - Email

Comparing B2B Marketing Management Systems (1 of 3) - Email

To get the most out of your digital marketing, you should be utilizing the resources available to you via marketing management systems. The problem is, there are so many different options available to choose from. To help, we’ve provided a breakdown of our top two choices for providers that MSPs should consider when looking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their digital marketing. The first part of our three-part series looks into our two favorite email marketing providers.

MailChimp vs. Constant Contact: Which is Best for You?

MailChimp vs. Constant Contact: Which is Best for You?

You've finally decided you want to delve into the world of content marketing via email campaign. Congratulations! Whether you have decided to send out a coupon promoting a new product or plan to send out a monthly newsletter, the question then becomes what service to use, and how do you know which is better suited to your needs. Let's take a look at two popular email marketing services: MailChimp and Constant Contact.

Is Constant Contact the Best Choice for Your Marketing?

apple touch icon.png.pagespeed.ce.QqiPoBm8i2The influence that email can have on a marketing initiative is undeniable, especially when the business doing the marketing is considered small or medium-sized. However, with modern business being the way that it is, these companies will often need to use their email to send out messages en masse, which is greatly helped by the use of an email management system.

But which email managment system is the right one for your business? One of the most popular choices out there is Constant Contact. Here is everything you need to know about Constant Contact, so that you can decide if it's the perfect solution for your company's needs.

Making Email Marketing Work for Your Business, Part 1


Email marketing isn’t easy. You have to spend the time and effort to make sure you have solid copy, are following all the rules and regulations of email marketing, complying with the rules set forth by companies like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, adding images and video that actually enhance your copy, and making sure you have the perfect subject line to make your audience even open your email. That’s a lot and we get that, but there are ways to track and test what you’re doing to make email marketing work for your company. In this 2 part blog, we’re breaking down 6 items you can test pretty easily in your emails, with some advice to help you along the way.


How to Optimize Your Marketing Choices Through A/B Testing


One of the best things about marketing is that it is a very fluid process, heavily informed by how an audience reacts and responds to an initiative. This means that it is very important that you identify what marketing choices will optimize your impact. The process of A/B testing can help with this.