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It’s time to Update your Live Chat Solution!

Are you ready to end regular fees, and switch to a live chat provider that works best with both your business, and your website?

PHP Live offers your technicians the features that they need to ensure your clients are always getting the support they deserve, including:

  • Integration with your MSP Website and custom branding
  • Easily add/remove departments and operators
  • Customizable schedules of operation and ‘canned’ response database
  • Interface designed for enhanced user experience
  • Options for Request customer feedback
  • Works on any platform, all major browsers an mobile devices
  • No per user licensing
  • One time cost

Make the switch PHP Live Chat Solution for a one time cost of $475, a price that includes the setup and the software.

As part of your Ultimate MSP Website agreement we’ll upgrade and maintain your PHP Live application to ensure you always have the most up-to-date version.

If you’re ready to upgrade to PHP Live fill out the form to the right!


PHP Live