{*modulepos reg_form_popup*}



Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/jcadmin/public_html/plugins/content/jcforms/jcforms.php on line 1287

New JoomConnect Form Request

  • Your Name: *
  • Email: *
  • If you have an existing ticket for the landing or service page, please specify:
  • Form Fields

    Which form fields would you like included on your form. Please note First Name and Email Address are required.
  • Select ConnectWise Form Fields *
  • Any additional questions or options you would like provided:
  • Would you like them to have the option to opt into your newsletter? *
  • In ConnectWise

    When the form is submitted would you like it to make in your ConnectWise:
  • Would you like a ticket created? *
  • If yes, which board:
  • Do you have a particular message you would like in the detailed description?
  • Would you like an activity created? *
  • If yes, assign it to:
  • Would you like an opportunity created? *
  • If yes, who is the sales rep?
  • Would you like the contact added to marketing group(s)? *
  • If yes, which marketing groups?
  • Would you like the contact removed from marketing group(s)? *
  • If yes, which marketing groups?
  • Tracking

    You can link activities and opportunites back to Campaigns in ConnectWise. This enable you to track your ROI on a particular campaign you are running.
  • Would you like to have this form tracked to a Marketing Campaign? *
  • If yes, which campaign?
  • Additional Options

    Let us know any additional options you would like included.
  • Would you like to receive an email outside of ConnectWise when the form is completed? *
    The email sent is a plain text email to whichever emails are specified.
  • Who should receive the email?
  • Let us know anything additional information:
